Hilton Falls Frozen Over

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Hilton Falls has been frozen over for a little while now due to the extremely cold temperatures in the province. On top of the visually attractive waterfall, there is plenty of cool geology in this area (read below to find out, report done by myself with proper citations): The Niagara Escarpment is one of the lengthiest geological sites to visit in Ontario. It spans across the southern region of the province, going as far as Michigan. The Escarpment can be visual seen from a distance due the elevation change it possesses, in the form of large hills, bluffs, or cliffs. Specifically, the land form that the Niagara Escarpment is dubbed is called a cuesta. This is characterised by having a sloping hill on one side, and a cliff on the other (Dutch, 1999). These cliffs eventually form due to erosion. In particular, Paleozoic sedimentary bedrock deposits are established in the landscape to then be slowly weathered down until cliffs appear (Lawrence, 2001). This has made the Escarpment a popular destination to view such cliffs, and even waterfalls, such as those located near Milton. The rock exposed is classified to be dolomite layers, that date back to the Silurian period (Dutch, 1999). Fossils from the warm sea that used to be located right where the present Escarpment is can be found. Species such as Trilobites, Brachiopods, and Cephalopods are all abundantly present (Verma, 1979).
Taken By
Mike Markov
Taken On
January 7, 2018
geology waterfall frozen winter rock river stream
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